What's the show about?

The story goes that Mallatrat was reading the book while on holiday in Greece. Reclining on a beach in the middle of the day, he still found it utterly disturbing and creepy – that put the nail in the coffin and he started work on the stage version. The story has been translated to the screen twice, with a 1989 and then 2012 version, staring Daniel Radcliffe. Set on a bare stage, two actors recreate the bone-chilling story in the most theatrical and inventive way.

What's the story?

Quietly sitting in the middle of a huge salt marsh is Eel Marsh House. A junior solicitor, Arthur Kipps, is summoned to sort out the estate of Eel Marsh, unaware of the terrible history that lies within the mysterious house. As the tale unfolds, Kipps keeps seeing a black figure of a woman. No one believes him, but strange incidents start to occur whenever this woman in black is seen. Kipps resolves to get to the bottom of the mystery … but as the fog rolls in, will he dig too deep for his own good?

Like any good ghost story, it’s more what you don’t see than what you do. Ideas are planted in your mind and the tension is ramped up to nail-biting intensity.

Who is it for? Should I see it?

An evening of unremitting drama and ghostly goings on, it is not for the faint-hearted. Everyone enjoys a good scare and The Woman In Black will deliver just that. The ‘bumps ’n’ jumps’ are all manageable for younger audiences, but it is the creepy atmosphere and dark story that might induce nightmares in many. The official age recommendation is age eight plus, but it is really up to the discretion of the parent – some seven- or eight-year-olds love to be scared. Anyone who likes a good ghoulish yarn must see this show, as it will blow all others out of the water!

Please be advised that there is a large possibility of school groups being present at The Woman In Black, especially at mid-week performances.

Best place to get cheap tickets:

The Woman In Black’s thrills and chills can be gotten at great discount rates via online ticket agents, like Best Of Theatre. They offer great seats and ticket availability at excellent discount prices, even for premium seats! Book now via www.bestoftheatre.co.uk.